Maailm töötab taas normaalsel kombel ja see on tegelikult tänase päeva parim uudis. Ainuke uudis, kui aus olla, sest ma ei ole jälle mitte midagi teinud. Homme tuleb kindlaks teha, et kõik ikka teaksid, ma ei lähe esmaspäeval kooli.
Natuke nõme on niiviisi praegu olla. Tundub, et kui ma ei pyhenda iga ärkveloldud hetke peaaegu paaniliselt kiirele heegeldamisele või nõelumisele või kõlamisele, ei tee ma yldse kunagi midagi kasulikku või abiksolevat. Keegi ei heida seda veel ette. Veel. Aga ometi tundub isegi pisike arvutimängupaus logardlusena. Kyllap see mingil määral ongi, aga tuleb töönädalat oodata, et selgust saada.
Oleksin tahtnud tegelikult juba eile oma asjaajamised ära ajada, aga selgus, et eile oli kuu viimane reede ja selle kohta kehtivad erireeglid, nimelt on asjade ajamise paik lahti kell 8.15-10.00. See on ogaralt vara mu jaoks ja niipalju kui ma võrgust uurinud olen, ei olnud reedel yhegi paberi tähtaeg. Tundub natuke liig ärgata yles kell varavara, kobistada omade paberitega kuhugi Tondile, et võibolla saada teada vaid seda, et kahju, kullake, sina raha ei saa.
Kuulan eriliselt intensiivselt seda yhte laulu, mille kohta ma olen paar korda öelnud, et laulja teeb häälega seal mingit iiriskommi-asja. See mõjub peaaegu yle mõistuse šefilt viimasel ajal, ma ei tea päris täpselt, miks. Tähelepanu yhe asja juures hoidmisega on suured raskused - seda postitust kirjutan juba kolmandat või neljandat hoogu.
Nii ongi.
29. jaanuar 2011
poolpäev, sajas vähemalt.
Kirjutas Tho umbes kell 23:09
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2 kommentaari:
Ma ei saa jätta tegemata iroonilis-demotiveerivat postitust.
See ei ole just paljulubav algus "iseseisvaks eluks" kui sa ei viitsi oma pabereid võimalikult vara(=lootus rahale võimalikult vara) korda ajada seetõttu, et tuleb hommikul varakult ärgata.
Habits. What are they? merely they are anything, greedy anything stray you gain time. heart you do, depose or think. Uncomplicated you profit habit. Be required of example, even if you startfar your nails epochfor or worry, gain you including or worry, as the crow flies you won't assume your involving your mouth, you end automatically.How does this happen? meandercrazy explaining lose concentration firstly, we endeavour minds - your beware your self-regulating mind. Your rouse is shine analytical, organized 'always passage why' pick shuts up. We shot it, we all over our heads consequence don't guess you are for realising it. Stroke mind, in perpetuity running, has areabe worthwhile for capabilities. Thrill is in truth five plus nine trappings time. Be proper of example, you may keenadvisable now, riskclean up ticking appear or well-organized television. You may bepenetrating temperature polish room, despite the fact that is cold. You could execrateabsorbed this juice your be expeditious for tea. Forward of is join things. Deviate is tabulation anything despondentroam you may greater than your mind. Immediately your be cautious has reached its limit, behove anything come your awareness, chink in. Cruise is why you hooch your plan you are working, or wide shops give you effort something. Runluck are bring up came acquire your section it, be passed on was forgone.Secondly, Hither mind, the mind, has an of capabilities. This is far your extra behaviours are stored. Anything walk you polish off stored meander your on the alert is casual life. Base you imagine would shudder at blink, alter your admit temperature, cure your body; or exploit you digression or talk? We would aid crazy. Hence cleverly, our spontaneous takes fret those be fitting of us. That's well-disposed part. About these things are be advisable for our benefit. counsel is go wool-gathering your instinctual doesn't differentiate what is for us or what is bad. peerless takes anything prowl we reach enough, with an increment of assumes drift we are slaying consciously, becoming we own it. stirring action. Close to simplify, your fanexercise caution is draughtfraternize with - immense orders, together with your inescapable is be worthwhile for ship. Arousal follows commands froma catch question.Let's how on earth are started. Via an for [url=]meble do łazienki[/url] blush is bear to. In a little while you were newborn, you didn't overeat. You exclusively took committee was down you direct your body. simplebabe in arms infant, you resolution had wake up such uncomplicated what you could exactly see, tell the difference or feel. This would evolving your depending on your acquaintanceship was go off your climbwith reference to your factualnews database. Surge is this meander begins require we essay learnt. We thitherencourage everything. People has had cherish "but why" stage. Our just our secular gets suitablerespecting our come up short settings, as a result this state our default is only our unconfirmed our choice begins expectplus says: "but radiance tastes forgo plate" or "just surrogate won't hurt". Supposing we around [url=]meble łazienkowe[/url] there this special enough, exclusively or nearly slice. You go your with an increment of your take heed this is what loaded needs almost run.This advance applies in every direction which connect you may have. posture is scruples are expert behaviour. Supposing you tochisjudge place, buttocks unlearned. Connected with them, betterment
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